Les livres en anglais
9 livres et 4 critiques, dernière mise à jour le 4 septembre 2022 , note moyenne : 4.6
- Delphi GUI Programming with FireMonkey
- Object Pascal Handbook
- Delphi in Depth : FireDAC
- Delphi Cookbook - 50 hands-on recipes to master the power of Delphi for cross-platform and mobile development on Windows, Mac OS X, Android, and iOS
- Mastering Delphi 6
- Delphi in a nutshell - A Desktop Quick Reference
- Delphi Developer's Guide to OpenGL
- The Tomes of Delphi 3 : Win32 Graphical Api
- The Tomes of Delphi 3 : Win32 Core Api
Delphi GUI Programming with FireMonkey
Résumé de l'éditeur
En commençant par un aperçu du framework FMX, y compris une discussion générale de la philosophie et de l'approche sous-jacente, vous passerez ensuite aux principes fondamentaux et aux détails architecturaux de FMX. Vous couvrirez également une comparaison significative entre Delphi et la bibliothèque de composants visuels (VCL). Ensuite, vous vous concentrerez sur les principaux composants FMX, l'accès aux données / la liaison de données et les concepts de style, en plus de comprendre comment fournir des interfaces utilisateur visuellement réactives. Pour aborder le développement d'applications modernes, le livre vous guide à travers des sujets tels que les animations et les effets, et vous fournit une introduction générale à la programmation parallèle, en ciblant spécifiquement les aspects liés à l'interface utilisateur, y compris la réactivité des applications. Plus tard, vous explorerez les services multiplateformes les plus importants dans le cadre FMX, qui sont essentiels pour fournir votre application sur plusieurs plates-formes tout en conservant l'approche de base de code unique. Enfin, vous découvrirez les fonctionnalités 3D intégrées de FMX.
À la fin de ce livre, vous serez familiarisé avec le framework FMX et serez en mesure de créer des applications multiplateformes efficaces.
Édition : Packt Publishing Limited - 546 pages, 30 octobre 2020
ISBN10 : 1788624173 - ISBN13 : 9781788624176
Broché, Epub, Kindle
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What this book covers
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Section 1: Delphi GUI Programming Frameworks
Introducing the FireMonkey Framework
Technical requirements
Approaching FireMonkey
Abstracting the visual part of your apps
Looking beyond the UI
Back to the metal
Understanding the strengths and weaknesses
Exploring Similarities and Differences with VCL
Technical requirements
Understanding RTL for everyone
Learning about component streaming
Understanding the Style Designer
Learning about components
Handling the placement and sizing of components
Understanding anchors
Learning about alignments
Understanding actions
Learning about data binding
Section 2: The FMX Framework in Depth
Mastering Basic Components
Technical requirements
Understanding the TText component
Learning about the TLabel component
Understanding shapes
Learning about the TLine class
Understanding the TRectangle class
Learning about the TCircle component
Managing images effectively
Learning about the MultiResBitmaps unit
Learning about buttons
Discovering Lists and Advanced Components
Technical requirements
Learning about lists
Providing data for the list
Item appearances
Custom appearance
Dynamic appearance
TListView's style customization
Basic event handling
Search capabilities
Pull to refresh
Exploring treeviews
Customizing TTreeview's items
Using grids
TGrid and TStringGrid
Customizing TGrid and TStringGrid
Mastering drawers and panels
Drawer mode
NavigationPane mode
Panel mode
Popover mode
PlatformBehavior mode
Custom mode
Using FireDAC in FMX Applications
Technical requirements
Learning about the FireDAC library
Understanding the library's composition
Understanding the options system
Exploring FetchOptions properties
Exploring FormatOptions properties
Exploring ResourceOptions properties
Exploring UpdateOptions properties
Working with macros and parameters
Taking advantage of memory tables
Connecting to a database
Introducing Tables, Query, StoredProc, and Command
Understanding dataset persistence
Implementing an onboard database
Exploring the LocalSQL feature
Implementing Data Binding
Technical requirements
Introduction to data binding
Approaching LiveBindings
Introducing managed bindings
Understanding what happens under the hood
Mastering real-world data bindings
Introducing BindSources
Binding a field value to a property – TLinkPropertyToField
Binding a dataset field value to a control – TLinkControlToField
Formatting data
Exploring CustomFormat/CustomParse expressions
Understanding LiveBindings methods
Creating the package (FormatFloatPackage)
Implementing the wrapper (FormatFloatInvokable)
Building and installing the package
Testing at design time and using it at runtime
Making custom method calls available
Binding a dataset to a list control – TLinkListControlToField
Filling items with data
Associating images with data
LiveBindings events
Binding a dataset to a grid control – TLinkGridToDataSource
Understanding FMX Style Concept
Technical requirements
Learning about multi-platform visual programming
Introducing the Style concept
Understanding the anatomy of a style
Managing style(s) in the IDE
Binding a component to its style
Exploring the style definition of a component
Approaching the TStyleBook component
Learning about Vector styles
Understanding Bitmap styles
Adding animation, triggers, and effects
Managing styles – the TStyleManager component
Understanding the selection algorithm
Loading a style from embedded resources
Learning about platform-native controls
Divide and Conquer with TFrameStand
Technical requirements
Introducing TFrameStand
Designing UIs for mobile applications
Learning about the DRY principle
Understanding visual continuity
Exploring TFrameStand – Hello, World!
Implementing views
Understanding the THomeFrame frame
Learning about the TOrdersFrame frame
Understanding the TOrderDetailsFrame frame
Defining the stand(s)
Learning about animations
Defining the fader stand
Defining the slider stand
Learning about TFormStand
Building Responsive UIs
Technical requirements
Understanding responsiveness—visual meaning
Exploring Bootstrap's grid system
Understanding the relevant factors of responsiveness
Leveraging device and application peculiarities
Handling changes in device orientation
Considering the field of application
Understanding screen resolution and density
Building visual layouts
Arranging components with TLayout
Letting components flow as text with TFlowLayout
Building grid layouts with TGridLayout
Advanced arrangements with TGridPanelLayout
Introducing FireUI technology
Creating a new view
The Multi-Device Preview window
Using the FireUI Live Preview app
Considering other FireUI capabilities
Exploring TFormStand
Orchestrating Transitions and Animations
Technical requirements
Introducing animations and transitions
Learning about interpolation
Understanding non-linear interpolations
Working with the FMXAni demo project
Learning about the TAnimation class
Understanding global animation management
Understanding interpolation modifier functions
Learning about TAnimator shortcuts
Learning about specialized animation components
Section 3: Pushing to The Top: Advanced Topics
Building Responsive Applications
Technical requirements
Understanding multithreading
Understanding the thread safety of UI frameworks
Synchronous versus asynchronous execution
Utilizing the Synchronize method
Learning about the Queue approach
Exploring threads and tasks
Introducing the TThread class
Understanding a thread's lifespan
Exploring alternative solutions
Introducing the Parallel Programming Library
Introducing the TTask class
Dealing with synchronization
Waiting for a task to complete
Waiting for tasks to finish
Learning about futures
Further reading
Exploring Cross-Platform Services
Technical requirements
Accessing the clipboard service
Understanding copying and pasting text
Learning about copying and pasting graphic content
Managing dialog forms
Understanding differences between synchronous versus asynchronous modes
Leveraging touch capabilities
Playing with the form's OnTouch event
Considering the form's OnTap event
Exploring standard gestures
Implementing interactive gestures
Understanding messaging support
Introducing message definitions as data types
Sending messages through the message manager
Subscribing and responding to messages
Using native HTTP client implementations
Getting familiar with Bluetooth support
Scanning for devices
Connecting to a BLE device
Subscribing for notifications
Learning about FMX 3D Capabilities
Technical requirements
Introducing 3D programming with FMX
Building a 3D application
Building a 3D "Hello, world!" application
Understanding TDummy and the design-time camera
Setting up a 3D viewport
Understanding lights and materials
Learning about lights
Learning about the materials
Merging 3D and 2D visual objects
Using the TLayer3D component
Merging TFrameStand with 3D visuals

En commençant par un aperçu du framework FMX, y compris une discussion générale de la philosophie et de l'approche sous-jacente, vous passerez ensuite aux principes fondamentaux et aux détails architecturaux de FMX. Vous couvrirez également une comparaison significative entre Delphi et la bibliothèque de composants visuels (VCL). Ensuite, vous vous concentrerez sur les principaux composants FMX, l'accès aux données / la liaison de données et les concepts de style, en plus de comprendre comment fournir des interfaces utilisateur visuellement réactives. Pour aborder le développement d'applications modernes, le livre vous guide à travers des sujets tels que les animations et les effets, et vous fournit une introduction générale à la programmation parallèle, en ciblant spécifiquement les aspects liés à l'interface utilisateur, y compris la réactivité des applications. Plus tard, vous explorerez les services multiplateformes les plus importants dans le cadre FMX, qui sont essentiels pour fournir votre application sur plusieurs plates-formes tout en conservant l'approche de base de code unique. Enfin, vous découvrirez les fonctionnalités 3D intégrées de FMX.
À la fin de ce livre, vous serez familiarisé avec le framework FMX et serez en mesure de créer des applications multiplateformes efficaces.
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Object Pascal Handbook
Résumé de l'éditeur
Édition : - 552 pages, 1re édition, 5 septembre 2015
ISBN10 : 1514349949 - ISBN13 : 9781514349946
[Gratuit pour les utilisateurs enregistrés de RAD Studio]
- Chapter 1: Coding in Pascal
Chapter 2: Variables and Data Types
Chapter 3: Language Statements
Chapter 4: Procedures and Functions
Chapter 5: Arrays and Records
Chapter 6: All About Strings
Part II
- Chapter 7: Objects
Chapter 8: Inheritance
Chapter 9: Handling Exceptions
Chapter 10: Properties and Events
Chapter 11: Interfaces
Chapter 12: Manipulating Classes
Chapter 13: Objects and Memory
Part III
- Chapter 14: Generics
Chapter 15: Anonymous Methods
Chapter 16: Reflection and Attributes
Chapter 17: The Object Class
Chapter 18: RunTime Library

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Mais c'est sûrement une excellente révision de nombreux points et éclairage sur de nouveaux.

Delphi in Depth : FireDAC
Résumé de l'éditeur
• Learn how to connect to a wide variety of databases
• Optimize your connection configurations
• Explore the world of indexes, searches, and filters
• Discover the power of persisted datasets
• Create flexible queries using macros and FireDAC scalar functions
• Achieve blazing performance with Array DML
• Master the art of cached updates
• Add sophisticated features using Local SQL
Édition : CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform - 558 pages, 10 mai 2017
ISBN10 : 1546391274 - ISBN13 : 9781546391272
Chapter 1: Overview of FireDAC
Chapter 2: Connecting to Data
Chapter 3: Configuring FireDAC
Chapter 4: Basic Data Access
Chapter 5: More Data Access
Chapter 6: Navigating and Editing Data
Chapter 7: Creating Indexes
Chapter 8: Searching Data
Chapter 9: Filtering Data
Chapter 10: Creating and Using Virtual Fields
Chapter 11: Persisting Data
Chapter 12: Understanding FDMemTables
Chapter 13: More FDMemTables: Cloned Cursors and Nested DataSets
Chapter 14: The SQL Command Preprocessor
Chapter 15: Array DML
Chapter 16: Using Cached Updates
Chapter 17: Understanding Local SQL
Appendix A: Code Download, Database Preparation, and Errata
Utilisant FireDAC depuis sa sortie je me suis dit qu'il valait la peine de se fendre de quelques euros pour avoir enfin une documentation sur ces composants.
FireDAC (ex AnyDAC) était voulu pour être un « BDE like » et plus. Ceux qui ont abordé Delphi à ses débuts ont eu la chance d'avoir des livres assez complets (je retourne régulièrement à ma bibliothèque papier les compulser, en particulier les 4 ou 5 tomes de Delphi 3) mais au fil du temps ces derniers sont devenus de plus en plus compacts (un seul tome pour Delphi 7) jusqu'à finir par disparaître. Il était donc temps d'avoir un ouvrage sur ce sujet.
Premières impressions : livre très clair et aéré, impression renforcée par une police de caractères assez importante.Les images d'écran sont nombreuses, les codes exemples, téléchargeables par ailleurs, sont clairs quoique sans commentaires.
J'ai beaucoup apprécié les différents tableaux de propriétés bien détaillés. Bien qu'utilisant FireDAC depuis déjà quelques années, j'en ai découvert beaucoup plus grâce à ce livre que pendant toutes ces années à rechercher dans l'aide et via les moteurs de recherches dès que je butais sur un problème. Un exemple : j'ai été soufflé par la performance de l'utilisation des ArrayDML du chapitre 15 (la démonstration vaut le détour), ou encore par les fonctionnalités, décrites dans le chapitre 11 'Persisting Data', dont je n'avais aucune connaissance.
Un seul regret : tous les composants de la suite ne sont pas abordés, mais il aurait certainement fallu un millier de pages supplémentaires !
En conclusion, un livre à mettre dans toutes les mains, aussi bien du débutant qui veut se connecter à des bases de données que des développeurs confirmés qui voudraient migrer leurs anciennes applications BDE. En tout cas, ce dernier sera en bonne position sur mon bureau pour l'avoir sous la main lors de mes prochains développements.
P.S. On parle rarement des relecteurs techniques, j'aimerais signaler que l'un de ces correcteurs est Dmitry Arefiev qui est l'un des créateurs d'AnyDAC, toujours aux manettes de FireDAC chez Embarcadero. Si ça ce n'est pas un gage de sérieux pour ce livre, je mange mon chapeau.
Delphi Cookbook
50 hands-on recipes to master the power of Delphi for cross-platform and mobile development on Windows, Mac OS X, Android, and iOS
Résumé de l'éditeur
Increase your Delphi productivity with this accessible and swift guide
Explore vital and powerful features while developing mobile applications using Delphi
Full of recipes and solutions identified from the everyday challenges faced by the author in his many years as a consultant
Who This Book Is For
Intended to refresh the basics of Delphi as well as advance your knowledge to the next level, it is assumed you will know RAD studio and the Object Pascal language. However, if you are not an experienced RAD studio programmer this accessible guide will still develop those initial crucial skills.
With this book, you will gain valuable and practical knowledge of the latest functionalities of Delphi. Starting with the foundations, you will work on your VCL application, customize the TDBGrid, and configure your runtime class using RTTI. Going forward, you will build on this foundation and deploy FireMonkey to go cross-platform or even call FireMonkey from a VCL project, and you will fully understand how you can include Delphi on your server. Finally, you will use App Tethering, call Android and iOS SDK classes, and even use the Android TextToSpeech engine to add sounds to your phone! With this learning resource at your side, you will acquire all that a RAD Studio developer needs to know about Delphi in one complete, informative guide.
Édition : PACKT Publishing - 328 pages, 1re édition, 22 novembre 2014
ISBN10 : 1783559586 - ISBN13 : 9781783559589
Version electronique possible
Changing your application’s look and feel with VCL styles and no code
Changing the style of your VCL application at runtime
Customizing TDBGrid
Using the owner’s draw combos and listboxes
Creating a stack of embedded forms
Manipulating JSON
Manipulating and transforming XML documents
I/O in the twenty-first century – knowing streams
Putting your VCL application in the tray
Creating a Windows service
Associating a file extension with your application on Windows
Chapter 2: Become a Delphi Language Ninja
Fun with anonymous methods – using higher-order functions
Writing enumerable types
RTTI to the rescue – configuring your class at runtime
Duck typing using RTTI
Creating helpers for your classes
Checking strings with regular expressions
Chapter 3: Going Cross Platform with FireMonkey
Giving a new appearance to the standard FireMonkey controls using styles
Creating a styled TListBox
Impressing your clients with animations
Using master/details with LiveBindings
Showing complex vector shapes using paths
Using FireMonkey in a VCL application
Chapter 4: The Thousand Faces of Multithreading
Synchronizing shared resources with TMonitor
Talking with the main thread using a thread-safe queue
Synchronizing multiple threads using TEvent
Displaying a measure on a 2D graph like an oscilloscope
Chapter 5: Putting Delphi on the Server
Web client JavaScript application with WebBroker on the server
Converting a console service application to a Windows service
Serializing a dataset to JSON and back
Serializing objects to JSON and back using RTTI
Sending a POST HTTP request encoding parameters
Implementing a RESTful interface using WebBroker
Controlling remote applications using UDP
Using App Tethering to create a companion app
Creating DataSnap Apache modules
Chapter 6: Riding the Mobile Revolution with FireMonkey
Taking a photo, applying effects, and sharing it
Using listview to show and search local data
Do not block the main thread!
Using SQLite databases to handle a to-do list
Using a styled TListView to handle a long list of data
Taking a photo and location and sending it to a server continuously
Talking to the backend
Making a phone call from your app!
Tracking the application’s life cycle
Chapter 7: Using Specific Platform Features
Using Android SDK Java classes
Using iOS Objective-C SDK classes
Displaying PDF files in your app
Sending Android intents
Letting your phone talk – using the Android TextToSpeech engine
Comme dans un livre de recettes de cuisine, chaque "plat" est présenté :
- par sa "photo" -> Ce que l'on va faire ;
- sa recette -> Comment le Faire ;
- sa préparation -> Comment ça marche ;
- les conseils du Chef -> Aller plus loin.
Le chapitre 1 peut être un peu décevant au départ (vieilles recettes) mais monte vite en puissance. Le reste du livre, pour continuer la comparaison, est digne d'un chef étoilé.
L'achat permet d'accéder aux sources des programmes exemples. C'est le seul bémol que je mettrai : il est dommage d'avoir à ouvrir l'EDI pour suivre la lecture mais c'est hélas courant ; impossible de lire le livre dans son fauteuil préféré au coin de la cheminée.
À mon avis, c'est un livre plus que digne d'attention mais peut-être pas dans sa version papier. Plutôt que d'encombrer une bibliothèque , à courte échéance au vu du renouvellement rapide des versions de Delphi XE, préférez la version électronique de l'éditeur (vous y gagnerez en place et en monnaie sonnante et trébuchante).

50 hands-on recipes to master the power of Delphi for cross-platform and mobile development on Windows, Mac OS X, Android, and iOS

Increase your Delphi productivity with this accessible and swift guide
Explore vital and powerful features while developing mobile applications using Delphi
Full of recipes and solutions identified from the everyday challenges faced by the author in his many years as a consultant
Who This Book Is For
Intended to refresh the basics of Delphi as well as advance your knowledge to the next level, it is assumed you will know RAD studio and the Object Pascal language. However, if you are not an experienced RAD studio programmer this accessible guide will still develop those initial crucial skills.
With this book, you will gain valuable and practical knowledge of the latest functionalities of Delphi. Starting with the foundations, you will work on your VCL application, customize the TDBGrid, and configure your runtime class using RTTI. Going forward, you will build on this foundation and deploy FireMonkey to go cross-platform or even call FireMonkey from a VCL project, and you will fully understand how you can include Delphi on your server. Finally, you will use App Tethering, call Android and iOS SDK classes, and even use the Android TextToSpeech engine to add sounds to your phone! With this learning resource at your side, you will acquire all that a RAD Studio developer needs to know about Delphi in one complete, informative guide.
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les codes source sont disponible sur github

Mastering Delphi 6
Résumé de l'éditeur
Much of the introductory material included in previous editions has been removed in favor of plenty of exposure to the enhancements available in Delphi 6. Among others, these include CLX, the new cross-platform component library, dbExpress, the new database engine, and Delphi's extensive support for e-business and Web development. There is also improved coverage of some of Delphi's longer-standing features.
Designed in a tutorial format, this book bristles with practical programming. In all, there are around 300 examples, each one supported by Cantù's clear explanation of the key skills in view. From the foundations of Delphi's object-oriented class library through to a whole section devoted to building Web applications, no information is left unexplored. If you are looking to lever your skills and harness the power of Delphi 6 for your applications, look no further than this excellent resource.
Édition : Sybex - 1104 pages, 25 juillet 2001
ISBN10 : 0782128741 - ISBN13 : 9780782128742
- Getting to know the new run-time library (RTL)
- Learning to use the VCL and CLX visual libraries
- Developing custom components
- Creating data-aware controls and custom datasets
- Mastering database programming with BDE and dbExpress
- Mastering client/server programming with InterBase
- Interfacing with Microsoft's ADO using the dbGo component set
- Taking advantage of Delphi’s support for COM, OLE Automation, and COM+
- Programming for a multitiered application architecture
- Taking advantage of Delphi’s support for XML and SOAP technologies
- Building practical, powerful Web applications
Ce livre vous guide pour savoir comment développer efficacement avec Delphi 6, il est à la fois clair et intéressant. Le CD ROM contient le code source des exemples, ainsi que de nombreux éléments bonus tels que le tutoriel sur le langage. Bref ce livre est un véritable must !

Marco Cantù

Whether you class yourself as just a beginner or have long been a lover of Borland's much-acclaimed object-oriented development tool, Mastering Delphi 6 has plenty to offer you. Written by world-renowned Delphi expert Marco Cantù, this edition, marking the release of Delphi 6, continues the tradition of excellence, balancing attention to detail with the author's unfussy, very readable style, which makes this a book that's accessible to all. While you will need an understanding of the basics of Pascal, even that is catered to by the inclusion of an easy-to-understand Pascal tutorial as one of the four bonus "chapters" on the accompanying CD-ROM. The CD-ROM also includes example source code and the full searchable text of the book in Acrobat format.
Much of the introductory material included in previous editions has been removed in favor of plenty of exposure to the enhancements available in Delphi 6. Among others, these include CLX, the new cross-platform component library, dbExpress, the new database engine, and Delphi's extensive support for e-business and Web development. There is also improved coverage of some of Delphi's longer-standing features.
Designed in a tutorial format, this book bristles with practical programming. In all, there are around 300 examples, each one supported by Cantù's clear explanation of the key skills in view. From the foundations of Delphi's object-oriented class library through to a whole section devoted to building Web applications, no information is left unexplored. If you are looking to lever your skills and harness the power of Delphi 6 for your applications, look no further than this excellent resource.
Et vous ?

Delphi in a nutshell
A Desktop Quick Reference
Résumé de l'éditeur
The heart of this book is its reference sections on built-in Delphi language features and other useful information on this development tool. Each entry has a guide to syntax, a description of all parameters and return values, and code samples, plus many entries feature "tricks and tips" with additional information. While this title concentrates on the "core" language (instead of Delphi's extensive support for visual components), there's little doubt that it will be useful if you work with the tool on a daily basis.
The book also delivers an advanced guide to ramping up on the latest and greatest in new language features in Object Pascal. Material on using classes, and the type of information features available in today's Delphi, are particularly effective. There are a lot of smart tips on proper class design techniques, including using properties, constructors, and destructors. (Delphi has its own conventions here, and this book will fill you in if you are coming to Object Pascal from another programming language.) Along the way, the author offers numerous expert nuggets on when to use (and when to avoid) using certain features. Whether you are a novice or a more experienced developer, this tutorial and reference is all you need to be productive with the latest and greatest in object-oriented programming with Delphi.
Édition : O'Reilly, collection In a nutshell - 578 pages, 1re édition, 23 mars 2000
ISBN10 : 1565926595 - ISBN13 : 9781565926592
- Overview of Delphi Object Pascal
- units and libraries
- data and string types
- exception handling
- file I/O
- classes and objects
- inheritance
- constructors and destructors
- interfaces
- reference counting
- Windows messages
- memory management strategies
- virtual method tables (VMTs)
- properties
- using TypInfo
- virtual and dynamic methods
- automated methods and COM
- Delphi type information and RTTI
- concurrent programming with threads
- synchronization
- thread local storage techniques,
- Delphi language reference
- system constants
- operator reference
- compiler directives
- code samples
- programming tips.

Ray Lischner
Aimed at the working Delphi developer, Delphi in a Nutshell is an effective desktop reference to this popular programming tool. Besides listing all core classes and methods, this book also provides a host of expert dos and don'ts for mastering the newest features in Delphi's Object Pascal.
The heart of this book is its reference sections on built-in Delphi language features and other useful information on this development tool. Each entry has a guide to syntax, a description of all parameters and return values, and code samples, plus many entries feature "tricks and tips" with additional information. While this title concentrates on the "core" language (instead of Delphi's extensive support for visual components), there's little doubt that it will be useful if you work with the tool on a daily basis.
The book also delivers an advanced guide to ramping up on the latest and greatest in new language features in Object Pascal. Material on using classes, and the type of information features available in today's Delphi, are particularly effective. There are a lot of smart tips on proper class design techniques, including using properties, constructors, and destructors. (Delphi has its own conventions here, and this book will fill you in if you are coming to Object Pascal from another programming language.) Along the way, the author offers numerous expert nuggets on when to use (and when to avoid) using certain features. Whether you are a novice or a more experienced developer, this tutorial and reference is all you need to be productive with the latest and greatest in object-oriented programming with Delphi.
Et vous ?

Delphi Developer's Guide to OpenGL
Résumé de l'éditeur
The book begins with a tour of creating a Delphi project that can utilize OpenGL. Over the first five chapters, the book demonstrates how 3D graphics work using popular computer graphics nomenclature as well as instructions for drawing OpenGL objects in perspective within a Delphi window, and the implementation of the three different types of OpenGL lighting (ambient, specular, and diffuse) upon those objects.
While the book provides great coverage on some of OpenGL's effects (fog, transparency, and mapping textures to surfaces), the most important chapter is "Picking," which discusses how to detect a user's interaction with OpenGL objects (i.e., detecting a user's selection and movement of an onscreen object).
There are plenty of code snippets, and all the source code in the book can be found on the CD-ROM. However, the book completely lacks color pictures that demonstrate the results of the techniques, even though the chapters on lighting, textures, and special effects could've greatly benefited from them. Also, all the examples in the book use extremely primitive shapes and actions. Presumably, a talented programmer can extrapolate the viable info from the simple examples and build more sophisticated projects.
With the proliferation of video display cards that support the OpenGL standard, applications built in popular development environments like Delphi can take advantage of real-time 3D graphics. This is a timely book, suitable for programmers with Delphi experience and some graphics programming experience who need to get a leg up on the Delphi/OpenGL learning curve.
Édition : Wordware Publishing - 465 pages, 25 août 1999
ISBN10 : 1556226578 - ISBN13 : 9781556226571

Je viens de le commander en occasion pour 21 euros, pour développer ma culture générale sur les graphismes avec Delphi.
J'en ai commandé un autre aussi : Delphi Graphics and Game Programming Exposed: With Directx for Versions 5.0-7.0
Il est vrai que les livres sur les graphismes avec Delphi ne sont pas légion et datent quelque peu

Jon Q. Jacobs
The Delphi Developer's Guide to OpenGL gives an outline of OpenGL--once a proprietary graphics library that used to reside only on expensive workstations--and explains its capabilities, including how to use it inside Borland's popular programming language, Delphi.
The book begins with a tour of creating a Delphi project that can utilize OpenGL. Over the first five chapters, the book demonstrates how 3D graphics work using popular computer graphics nomenclature as well as instructions for drawing OpenGL objects in perspective within a Delphi window, and the implementation of the three different types of OpenGL lighting (ambient, specular, and diffuse) upon those objects.
While the book provides great coverage on some of OpenGL's effects (fog, transparency, and mapping textures to surfaces), the most important chapter is "Picking," which discusses how to detect a user's interaction with OpenGL objects (i.e., detecting a user's selection and movement of an onscreen object).
There are plenty of code snippets, and all the source code in the book can be found on the CD-ROM. However, the book completely lacks color pictures that demonstrate the results of the techniques, even though the chapters on lighting, textures, and special effects could've greatly benefited from them. Also, all the examples in the book use extremely primitive shapes and actions. Presumably, a talented programmer can extrapolate the viable info from the simple examples and build more sophisticated projects.
With the proliferation of video display cards that support the OpenGL standard, applications built in popular development environments like Delphi can take advantage of real-time 3D graphics. This is a timely book, suitable for programmers with Delphi experience and some graphics programming experience who need to get a leg up on the Delphi/OpenGL learning curve.
Et vous ?

The Tomes of Delphi 3 : Win32 Graphical Api
Résumé de l'éditeur
The CD that comes with the book includes all of the code from the book, additional example programs, shareware and freeware components, help files, and third-party development tools (InstallShield, DemoShield and more)
The book is devided into 16 chapters (~900 pages) that will let you discover the graphical Win32 API functions, those functions used to display graphics and user interface elements, and includes chapters on bitmap and metafile creation and manipulation, icons, the graphics device interface, drawing primitives such as lines and circles, menus, resources, printing and text output, colour palette management, regions and paths, and the Windows 95 shell. Each function entry contains the syntax, a description of what the function does, a list and description of parameters, acceptable constant values, return values, cross-references to related functions, and an example of its use in Delphi's Object Pascal.
Whether you're an experienced Delphi programmer with a working knowledge of Windows programming or an intermediate Delphi programmer, this book will help you to extend the functionality of Delphi components and objects and demonstrate what the Win32 Graphical API can do for you. This book is a must for any serious Delphi graphics programmer.
Édition : Wordware Publishing Inc. - 879 pages, 1er décembre 1997
ISBN10 : 1556226101 - ISBN13 : 9781556226106
- About the Authors
- Aknowledgments
- Foreword
- Introduction
- Delphi and the Windows API
- Graphical Device Interface Functions
- Painting and Drawing Functions
- Region and Path Functions
- Bitmap and Metafile Functions
- Icon, Cursor, and Caret Functions
- Palette Functions
- Text OutPut Functions
- Resource Functions
- Window Movement Functions
- Shell Functions
- Menu Functions
- Appendix
- A – Messages
- B – Tertiary Raster Operations Code
- C – ASCII Character Set
- D – Virtual Key Code Chart
- E – Bibliography
- Index
Quand on veut un peu "déborder du cadre conventionnel" pour par exemple maîtriser l'affichage de la barre de titre ou simplement pour le dessin, ce livre est une mine d'informations de départ.

John Ayres, David Bowden, Larry Diehl, Phil Dorcas, harrison, Kenneth Harrison, Phillip Dorcas, Rod Mathes, Ovais Reza, Mike Tobin

The Tomes of Delphi series books are reference guides for using the Windows 32 bit API in Delphi. As such, this book is not a tutorial, and is not meant to be read from start to finish. There are over 200 examples in the book, and every API function covered is used in an example. The book also includes coverage of poorly documented aspects of certain API functions.
The CD that comes with the book includes all of the code from the book, additional example programs, shareware and freeware components, help files, and third-party development tools (InstallShield, DemoShield and more)
The book is devided into 16 chapters (~900 pages) that will let you discover the graphical Win32 API functions, those functions used to display graphics and user interface elements, and includes chapters on bitmap and metafile creation and manipulation, icons, the graphics device interface, drawing primitives such as lines and circles, menus, resources, printing and text output, colour palette management, regions and paths, and the Windows 95 shell. Each function entry contains the syntax, a description of what the function does, a list and description of parameters, acceptable constant values, return values, cross-references to related functions, and an example of its use in Delphi's Object Pascal.
Whether you're an experienced Delphi programmer with a working knowledge of Windows programming or an intermediate Delphi programmer, this book will help you to extend the functionality of Delphi components and objects and demonstrate what the Win32 Graphical API can do for you. This book is a must for any serious Delphi graphics programmer.
Et vous ?

The Tomes of Delphi 3 : Win32 Core Api
Résumé de l'éditeur
Édition : Wordware Publishing Inc. - 788 pages, 1er novembre 1997
ISBN10 : 1556225563 - ISBN13 : 9781556225567
- Foreword
- Acknowledgments
- Introduction
- Delphi and the Windows API
- Window Creation Functions
- Message Processing Functions
- Memory Management Functions
- Dynamic-Link Library Functions
- Process and Thread Functions
- Timer Functions
- Error Functions
- Graphical Device Interface Functions
- Region and Path Functions
- Bitmap and Metafile Functions
- Text Output Functions
- Appendix A Bibliography
- Appendix B Virtual Key Code Chart
- Appendix C Tertiary Raster Operation Codes
- Index

cependant dans l'utilisation des API il n'y a pas non plus grand chose de nouveau (elles ont à peine changé depuis ... XP voire Win95)
Ces bouquins (enfin celui que j'ai concerne les API Graphiques) restent quand même des bibles sur le sujet
Comme toute bible (il en y a des pas jeunes , surtout si l'on parle de la Bible) c'est un bouquin à avoir, et a refeuilleter de temps en temps

Pas la peine d'allécher les non anglophones par un résumé en français s'ils ne peuvent ensuite le lire !
